3DViewStationを アフターセールス、サービス、スペアパーツソリューションのビジュアル化として使用する
+49 2408 9385 517

... 利用者向け
- 3DViewStationシリーズひとつですべてのオーサリングタスクに対応
- プラグインなしのHTML5ブラウザでも可視化が可能
- 主要システムのインターフェースに完全に統合可能
- 非常に複雑な製品でもすぐに可視化された情報を確認可能
- 従来よりサービスエンジニアによるエラー原因の特定が簡単
- 常に最新の情報にアクセス可能(オンライン作業時)
- 操作が簡単
... 開発者向け
- 統合モジュールひとつで複数のシステムデータを統合可能
- オーサリング・エンドユーザーシステムへの統合
- 短時間で統合可能
- SDKなしで、プログラミングコードもほとんどなし
- 統合したデスクトップ、ウェブ/モバイル版をその他のバージョンに変更するときも、調整はほとんど必要なし
- 統合時に頼りになるコンサルティングチームのサポートあり
... 意思決定者向け
- 顧客の獲得と維持
- スペアパーツやサービスのマーケティング・販売
- 補修部品の100%BOMの使用
- 3Dと2Dの最終結果を得るための唯一のソリューション
- オンライン利用により、古いデータや情報を扱う必要がない
- オンラインとオフラインでの利用を想定したコンセプト
- サービスチームの救済
- 多くの自動化の可能性
- トレーニング不要
- クライアントのインストールが不要(WebViewer使用時)
Quanos(旧TID Informatik)のCatalogCreatorの以前の3Dビューアーは、ローカルにインストールする必要があり、視覚化するデータへのローカルアクセスが可能なプラグインが必要でした。この制限をなくすため、最新のブラウザーを必要とし、クライアント側のインストールが不要なHTML 5のソリューションが求められました。
クアノスでは、3DViewStation WebViewer版を使用することにしました。これは、PCだけでなくモバイルデバイスでも動作し、エンドデバイスに複数のブラウザを必要としないHTML 5ソリューションです。3DViewStationでは、異なる3次元CADシステムから直接3次元CADデータを読み込むことができます。非常に複雑なアセンブリがある場合、バッチツールKASを使用して事前に変換することができ、最大サイズのアセンブリでも読み込み時間を数秒に短縮することができます。

The problem:
Manufacturers of trailers, superstructures, agricultural vehicles and also accessories in the automotive environment often have spare parts solutions today that are digital, but based on 2D. Images are often used that are partially derived from CAD data. Sometimes vector drawings are used, e.g. in SVG format, which can at least have hyperlinks. However, with the progressive switch to 3D CAD, this content is outdated and too expensive due to the necessary preparation.
The solution:
The 3DViewStation is often used here both as an authoring system and as a pure viewer. First of all, the old way can be supported by creating content in the previous data formats, be it image or vector, from the 3D CAD data. However, the 3DViewStation can also make 3D content look like 2D illustrations, which means that the transition does not necessarily have to be made visible if it is to be gradual and less conspicuous.
The benefits:
The 3DViewStation supports both approaches, the traditional 2D and also the 3D way, but also the smooth transition. In perspective, however, the full switch to 3D is more cost-effective and future-proof. Because the effort involved in processing is often drastically reduced or even completely avoided.

The problem:
Today, machine manufacturers use e-mail and apps to inform their service staff about necessary work. Often, however, only a customer name and an address are given here, perhaps also which machine it is. However, it could often be an advantage if the service employee could assess exactly what the problem is and how it could be solved while on the road. And whether any spare parts are required, without which a repair would not be possible. This requires graphics that run even on smartphones and that also get by with a small bandwidth.
The solution:
With the 3DViewStation WebViewer version, the service employee can see exactly where the problem occurs on the machine while he is on the move. He can now access current and historical status information of the affected component. It provides links from a part to related maintenance and troubleshooting documentation and information about required replacement parts.
The benefits:
The forthcoming assignment can be better assessed while on the move. If it is clear that spare parts are required, use that is pointless at this point in time can be avoided and costs saved. Since some machine manufacturers also operate the 3DViewStation on the machine itself, the additional effort for such a solution is negligible.

The problem:
Deutz switched from 2D spare parts documentation to 3D a few years ago. For this purpose, the data was first prepared with an authoring system and then displayed in the browser using a viewer. However, since this viewer was an ActiveX component that only ran with Internet Explorer, a future-proof HTML 5 solution was sought.
The solution:
As part of the conversion of the product configurator to the Kisters 3DViewStation, it was now obvious to use the 3DViewStation WebViewer version for the after-sales and service area.
The benefits:
There are no longer any restrictions regarding the browser and the operating system of the end device. For this purpose, the data available for the configuration process can be used for the spare parts application without further processing.

The problem:
Many manuals and technical documentation are still printed or published in 2D today. Internal departments often work on the content, but there are also many external service providers. Colleagues often receive 3D CAD data from which they have to derive images or vector illustrations themselves. These are then often transferred to editorial systems or incorporated directly into documents. Since editors are not CAD specialists, they need an easy-to-use tool to get their job done.
The solution:
The Kisters 3DViewStation desktop version is often used here. 2D and 3D CAD data from a wide variety of CAD systems and also neutral formats can be read and processed. This includes isolating subassemblies, changing colors or transparencies, attaching annotation or free-standing text, exploding assemblies, and attaching balloon graphics. The individual processing steps are created in views and then exported as images or vector drawings in the desired data format.
The benefits:
With an intuitive tool, 3D CAD data from a wide variety of sources can be processed quickly and easily. In addition, the 3DViewStation is cheaper than a CAD system.